Sub HideAll()

' Hide the Horizontal Scroll Bar

' ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False

' Hide the Vertical Scroll Bar

' ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False

' Hide the Row/Column Headings

' ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False

' Hide the Worksheet Tabs

' ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False

' Hide the Status Bar (bottom of the window)

Application.DisplayStatusBar = False

' Hide the Formula Bar' Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False

' Hide the Ribbon Menu and Quick Access Toolbar

Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro "show.toolbar(""Ribbon"",False)"

' Display Full Screen

'Application.DisplayFullScreen = True

End Sub

Sub ShowAll()

' Just reverse the options in the previous macro -> False becomes True' and True becomes False.

' Exit Full Screen' - If this was used to show full screen after other display settings

' were changed, then put it before those settings are changed back.

' Full-screen mode and normal mode maintain separate settings for

' these.

'Application.DisplayFullScreen = False

' Show the Horizontal Scroll Bar

ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True

' Show the Vertical Scroll Bar

ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True

' Show the Row/Column HeadingsActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = True

' Show the Worksheet Tabs

ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True

' Show the Status Bar (bottom of the window)

Application.DisplayStatusBar = True

' Show the Formula Bar

Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True

' Show the Ribbon Menu and Quick Access Toolbar

Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro "show.toolbar(""Ribbon"",True)"

End Sub